The Gala Fam


Rhea Galarneau “COO” “Reporter”

Rhea is 39 years old and currently resides in Minneapolis, MN.

When she’s not working on the “Gala News Network” she can be found watching WWE or her favorite shows/films. She enjoys spending time with her cats and family. She has loved animals since she was a young child.

She cannot eat gluten, dairy, soy, watermelon, or blueberries. She has many chronic illnesses, including but not limited to endometriosis, fibromyalgia, and many others.

Her favorite quote is, “She believed she could, so she did,” by R.S. Grey

Rachel Galarneau “CEO” “Reporter”

Rachel is 38 years old and currently resides in Minneapolis, MN.

When she’s not busy with the “Gala News Netwrok” she enjoys cooking, watching WWE, and catching up on her favorite TV shows. She is a retired restaurant manager.

Rachel cannot eat dairy, gluten, strawberries, and soy. She has been chronically sick most of her life mainly with endometriosis, fibromyalgia, and Celiacs. But, she has a good life exploring the world with her family and pets. They can often be seen walking outside together. 

Rachel's favorite quote is “I've wined and dined with kings and queens, and I've slept in alleys and dined on pork and beans,” by Dusty Rhodes.

Emma Galarneau “Moral Officer” “Reporter”

Emma is 17 years old. She has autism and a speech/language disorder. She also currently resides in Minneapolis, MN.

Emma’s favorite movie is Frozen 2. She loves to sing along to her favorite soundtracks and put on a show. She is naturally talented in this way. She loves going to school and keeping track of important dates. She is so obsessed with the date she has two calendars that she updates daily. 

Emma enjoys watching WWE with her mom, Rachel, Aunty Rhea, and Step-daddy Dylan. She likes to call her friends and video chat.

She loves her 4 cats. She hopes to get another service dog eventually.

Her favorite quote is, “You can only do the next right thing,” from Frozen.

The Gala Fam


Dylan (DMC King) “Reporter”

Dylan is 23 years old and currently resides in Minneapolis, MN.

When he's not busy with the “Gala News Network” he enjoys listening to music, watching WWE, and cleaning the whole apartment.

Dylan cannot eat dairy, gluten, and soy. He is searching for answers on why is he does not feel well most of the time. He has ADHD, fibromyalgia, and Celiacs. But, he has a good life exploring the world with his step-daughter, 2 partners, and pets. They can often be seen walking outside together. 

Dylan's favorite quote is: "When You've lost it all....thats when you realize that Life is Beautiful,” by Nikki Sixx

The Gala Pets


Lady Stardust II

Lady Stardust The II is named for her older sister Lady Stardust. She came from a Craigslist Ad, she, too is a calico. She has mitten hands, meaning she has thumbs, in her case only on her front paws. 

Rhea is her favorite person and she will spend hours chatting with her. She will meow and meow until she gets her way.  Lady Stardust The II always has to have the last say. 

She will eat and eat, and loves treats.  If you are eating Lady Stardust The II is ALWAYS there to supervise you. 

She ran away when Rhea, Rachel and Emma went to get her. She was rounded up and placed in the kennel for a safe trip home. It was in the car ride that she fell in love with her brand new family. 

Her favorite place to hang out is in huge windows. That and Rhea’s lap. She is a bit of a nippy cat and isn’t scared to use her teeth to show love. 

She just lights up any room she is in and she can’t help, but make you smile. She will put on a show for anyone who is watching. She’s a lot of fun to be around. 

One word to sum up Lady Stardust The II is: silly.

Prince Damien II

Damien The II is named for his older brother Prince Damien. He came to live with The Gala Fam on New Year’s Day 2023. He was picked up at a house where the family wanted The Gala Fam to take all of their cats, when all they wanted was the one. He’s a very shy cat, who always has an opinion on his surroundings, and chirps and coos a lot. He’s a huge wuss and lets his fellow cats treat him however they want. He’s bonded with King Louis The II. 

He loves Dylan and thinks he hung the moon. He chases him around and always wants to be held in Dylan’s arms. 

One word to sum up Damien is: chirpy.

King Louis II

King Louis The II is named for his older brother King Louis. He is a very regal gentleman who was picked up from a trailer park in the dark. At first he wasn’t too sure of his surroundings and always fought with Prince Damien The II. After they both were fixed, at the same, time he decided he loved him and is often found napping with Damien. If The Gala Fam didn’t know better they’d think he was a clone of King Louis The I. He loves to sleep on Rachel all night long. He is the first American Wirehair cat in The Gala Fam. 

One word to sum up Louis is: mysterious.

The Gala Fam Pets

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Lady Stardust (deceased 10/30/2020)

Lady Stardust AKA Stardust is a very old cat. Rachel got her for Rhea from The Golden Valley Humane Society in MN when her previous cat passed away. Stardust is still a very spoiled and naughty cat who likes things a certain way. 

Stardust is the world’s pickiest eater and will only eat the cheap cat food. If you buy her expensive cat food she will turn up her nose at it. If any medication is added to it she won’t eat it. She has been known to go on hunger strikes until she gets the food she wants. 

She can be found sleeping the day away in Rhea’s bed. That’s her favorite spot in the world. She also likes to walk on the bathtub when Rhea is having her nightly bath.  

One word to sum Stardust up is: cunning.

King Louis (aka Lucifer) (deceased 03/25/2023)

King Louis was adopted from a shelter in Danville, (Aka Dantucky) IL 12 years ago. He currently lives in MN with his family. He is a Southern gentleman with a speck of feral attitude. 

He was so feral as a kitten we gave him the nickname “Lucifer.” He was found in a litter by the side of the road. He was covered in ear mites and had a broken tail which he chewed excessively. 

He lives the life now. His favorite spot when he’s cold is in the crook of Rachel’s left arm under a blanket. For such a badass he’s a big cuddle bug. 

One word to sum up Louis is: escapee. 

Prince Damien ( deceased 12/29/2022)

Prince Damien came to his new family right when they needed him. His original mom developed Alzheimer’s and forgot he was a cat. She thought he was a dog. So a relative brought him out to a cabin in the woods until his new forever family showed up one day and brought him home. 

His new family quickly realized they had a Damien sized hole that he fit in perfectly. He’s a very involved cat and mimics everything his brofur, Louis does. Never wanting to be left out. 

One word to sum up Damien is: derpy. 

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Buzz Rocco (deceased August 2021)

Buzz is the old man of the family at 12 years old. He has some GI issues but loves mom’s homemade food and long walks with the family. Despite being the size of a small horse he thinks he’s small enough to be a lap dog. He sleeps next to Rachel every night along with a cat or two. 

He came from CA. Despite being a water dog he has no idea how to swim. The people who trained him hid his past trauma and we quickly realized after adopting him he has some significant anxiety. But we still love him. He is Emma’s semi-retired service dog. 

One word to sum up Buzz is clunky.