AG Tish James Is a Liar

“The truth doesn’t cost anything, but a lie could cost you everything.”


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Will Letitia James please quit lying?! She’s still claiming she didn’t do anything wrong as far as her fake Andrew Cuomo investigation.  She actually believes her own crap.  However, she is losing her footing, and it won’t be long now before she loses everything.

Yesterday, February 10, 2022, Andrew Cuomo filed a criminal complaint against her and her henchmen Joon Kim, and Anne Clarke.  What was her response? She said, “If he thinks he has a real legal case he should go ahead and file it.  These attacks are disgraceful and yet another desperate charade to mask the truth: Andrew Cuomo is a serial sex harasser.”  Lady just because you say something doesn’t make it true.  By that same logic, we could run up and down the street yelling, “The moon is made of green cheese.” No, it’s not, and to make that declaration we’d have to be insane.

Crazy lady, just because you want to get rid of Andrew Cuomo doesn’t mean you can run around making stuff up.  Lies will always catch up with you.  A lie is simply that, and it is usually designed to hurt someone.  

If you want to hurt someone with your crap you have to make sure that no one can poke holes in your story.  If they can more often than not you’re fucked.  This is her own undoing and she will hve to deal with it.

If the bitch learned anything, which we doubt she did, she would have leaned that you can’t make up your own laws. We hope Andrew Cuomo takes you for all that you are worth.  James is an idiot for thinking that her little plan will work.  Enjoy prison, bye bitch.

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