Andrew Cuomo Creating His Own Party?/ Chris Cuomo Arbitration Demands/ Zelenskiy Addresses Congress

Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo addressed the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization in the Bronx yesterday. After saying “our cancel culture mentality today is like modern day stonings” and “noisy Democrats” he was asked by reporters if he’d like to create his own political party. To which he responded “I’ve done it before and my father has done it. I’m open to all options”. 

Since Andrew Cuomo has resurfaced the press and the idiot New York Assembly and Senate are peddling the same crap they tried last year. It didn’t work then and it most certainly will not now. It’s Groundhog Day! 

Not to be upstaged by his big brother, Chris Cuomo filed a $125 million arbitration demand against his former employer CNN. In it he claimed that The Gala Sisters’ least favorite reporter ever, DON LEMON, violated journalism ethics by helping his bud Jussie Smollett and got away scott free! Not to mention Tap Out Tapper called Cuomo a terrorist, which is completely inappropriate. And of course, who can forget Jeffrey Toobin, who according to Cuomo committed “a sordid act of sexual harassment.” Some are shocked as they watch the bromance between Cuomo and Lemon erupt in flames, but it comes as no surprise to The Gala Sisters. It looked like a kayfabe wrestling vignette on the WWE. 

President Zelenskiy addressed the entire US Congress on Wednesday; tearfully pleading for a no fly zone over Ukraine. Did President Biden grant him this, no of course not. He continues to cower in fear before Putin. However he did give Ukraine an extra $800 million, 800 anti-aircraft systems, 9,000 anti-armor systems, 7,000 small arms, and drones. 

For the first time President Biden condemned Putin calling him a “war criminal” and “thug”. Something he seemed hesitant to do up until now. 

The UN International Court of Justice ordered Russia to halt their invasion of Ukraine. Did they stop? Of course not. We doubt they will unless forced to. 

Putin sanctioned many leading US Officials including President Biden, Secretary of State Tony Blinken, Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden and others. Hillary Clinton thanked Putin for this achievement and Biden was confused because the sanctions didn’t specify Junior or Senior. 

In a strange turn of events The New York Times found that Hunter Biden’s laptop DOES exist. Hunter Biden’s father, President Biden, had vehemently denied the existence of this laptop calling it a “Russian hoax”. This laptop allegedly proves that Hunter broke the Foreign Agents Registration Act. 

President Biden continues to support Trump’s orders to the DOJ to block the Equal Rights Amendment over an illegal technicality. The only way to fix this is for Biden to get directly involved, but he is following Trump’s footsteps. Despite promising that he would get the ERA published, Biden has done nothing to move this along. The ERA would prevent Roe v Wade from being overturned. Just like he is doing with Postmaster General Dejoy. 

The live stream of Biden’s meeting with patients to go over his new health research agency was abruptly cut off after an outburst from someone in the room today. Biden has no idea how to manage a room full of people. 

Jeff Zients has been replaced by Ashish Jha as the White House coronavirus coordinator. 


Areas of China have entered lockdown again as Covid cases soar due to the Omicron BA.2 variant reaching over 5100 new daily cases. Considering that Covid originated in China and spread throughout the entire world, perhaps it is too early to celebrate the end of Covid lockdowns and mask mandates? Personally, we will never take off our masks in public. 

Many of us are still waiting on the Covid vaccine Novavax to be approved by the FDA. It has been a long 90 days. It appears Pfizer owns the FDA. Give us our vaccine, please! 

Inflation continues to permeate every aspect of our lives. Netflix will increase their monthly prices for the second time this year in April. They most recently did this in January. People are also left wondering why gas prices are increasing as oil prices are decreasing. 

The WWE Universe was rocked by the death of Scott Hall, aka Razor Ramon who passed at age 63 after hip surgery. “Bad times don’t last, but bad guys do”. 

Sharmell will be joining The Undertaker and Vader into the WWE class of 2022 Hall of Fame. She will be inducted by her own husband and fellow Hall of Famer, Booker T. The Hall of Fame induction ceremony will be held on April 1st. 

WrestleMania will be held over two nights April 2nd and 3rd in Texas. NXT Stand and Deliver will air on night 1 of WrestleMania at 12P EST. 

Our new podcast, “The Gala Sisters Present Mr. Wrestling Chris” premieres on Thursday, March 31st in anticipation of WrestleMania. Tune in if wrestling is your thing. 

The American Song Contest, which is based on the Eurovision Song Contest, premieres on March 21st. It will go for 8 weeks and end on May 9th. All 50 states, 5 territories and Washington DC will send delegates to sing original songs. This will be hosted by Kelly Clarkson and Snoop Dog. 

Eurovision Song Contest begins on May 10th with the first Semi Final. The second semi-final will air on May 12th. And the Final will air on May 14th. It will be held in Turin, Italy. 

We, The Gala Sisters, finally reached 1,000 subscribers on YouTube last Sunday. We were monetized on Wednesday. So when watching our YouTube videos please watch the ads for at least 30-45 seconds. This is at no expense to the viewer. 

Our friend, rapper, and WWE Superstar, Ronnie Killings, aka R Truth, has a show at The Haltom Theater in Fort Worth, Texas on Thursday, March 31st at 8PM. You can get tickets on

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Updates on Ukraine/ SCOTUS News/ ERA/ WWE Information/ Cuomo's Next Moves?


News Break! Andrew Cuomo Making a Political Return? Ukraine News. Roe v Wade. And More.