Why Body Dysmorphia is Dangerous

This blog is in honor of Kassandra Shore. May she rest in peace.

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Have you ever paused to think, “what does someone who is sick look like?”  We’re seriously wondering who does that? If you do, maybe you need to come on a little adventure with us. 

What if we told you that we’re sick, would you believe us?  If you didn’t know us. We bet you wouldn’t. But here we’re going to show you why you’re wrong

We hide behind makeup so you can’t see how frail we look. If we washed it off the girls looking at you would be very different from the ones you have grown to love. That thought should scare you. 

We’ve turned into a society that is obsessed with looks. This isn’t just women and makeup, it’s more than that. We hear of men who have decided they are too this or that.  Some of these people work out until they drop dead. Why? So they can look jacked and fake.  This isn’t a good look on anyone. All this does is provide an unhealthy type of body dysmorphia. 

We have heard people say things like “We all need to lose weight, right?”  Well, no we don’t. In fact, if our very own Rhea lost weight it would be a bad thing. She, like a lot of others, has trouble digesting food also known as gastroparesis. Of course, she has it better than some. Feed comes to mind, this is a nutritional substitute that is fed through many different kinds of feeding tubes.  

Some people can’t even digest Feed and need TPN to live. Now TPN is short for Total parenteral nutrition. This is when someone is hooked up to a machine and they get nutrients pumped into their veins, totally bypassing the GI tract. This would be amazing, however, it’s hard on all of your organs. Usually, this is a last-ditch effort to keep someone alive. 

In this month alone the world has lost 2 bright shining stars, Amy Lee Fisher, and Just.My.Genes, Kassandra Shore. These 2 young women were taken in their primes. These women worked so hard to stay alive. 

Kassandra we never really knew very well, but we ran in the same Chronic Illness circle. She decided she was done, after taking one last trip with her mom and entered hospice care. This was beautiful and we enjoyed watching her. She, like Amy, was a lovely girl and would have been considered a Zebra. A Zebra is someone with a rare illness. Kasandra Shore, July 3, 1990-April 6, 2021. 

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So the next time you get the urge to say that we all need to lose weight remember us. All of those who came before us. Words like that should never be uttered because we don’t all need the same things. 


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