Our Proposal for Safety Measures on Social Media

  1. Anyone under the age of 18 should be required to connect their account to their parent or guardian’s account on any social media. If the parent/guardian doesn’t have an account, then the child cannot get one.

  2. Create buzzwords that automatically send an alert to the parent. For instance if a child tweets “go kill yourself” a message would be sent to the adult telling them saying the tweet/post was removed and to please speak to your child.

  3. Children under the age of 18 should only be allowed to talk to comment on posts/threads made by their friends on each social media. They should not be permitted to troll politicians or strangers. Remember STRANGER DANGER!

  4. When children get suspicious direct messages containing key words they should be automatically intercepted and sent to the guardian for approval. If the child is being harassed the parent should be given the option to alert the authorities. There should be a special portion of the police department that investigates these. Remember, child traffickers often pick up their victims this way.

  5. Minors should only be allowed to have locked accounts.

  6. No more being anonymous online.

  7. Social media should be treated like a bar. You must show/scan your ID. If you are caught using it under age they delay your social media “license”. Just like if you get caught drinking underage.

  8. Death threats on social media of any kind should require jail time and/or community service.

  9. If you knowingly say something/report on something that is incorrect your account is locked for a month and you are fined.

  10. Politicians should not be allowed to rage tweet or target anyone. If they do so they lose their access to social media.

  11. People on live chat on video game systems should automatically be booted off for saying buzz phrases like “I f*cked your mom” or “I’ll kill you”. Then their handle should be restricted for a week or so. If the person is a minor an email or text is sent to their guardian letting them know.

  12. Certain hashtags should be taboo. There are a lot of false, hateful hashtags.

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