The Fear is Real

The fear is real

Please don’t hurt me

The fear is real

I’m terrified

The fear is real

He struck me

The fear is real

He’s mad at me

The fear is real

He yelled at me

The fear is real

I stayed out too late

The fear is real

He has that look in his eyes

The fear is real

I’m wearing lipstick

The fear is real

He controls my every move

The fear is real

He struck me

The fear is real

So many live in fear

The fear is real

Domestic violence is a problem

The fear is real

We feel trapped

The fear is real

We can’t just leave

The fear is real

We ran back because we were told lies

The fear is real

Until You’ve Lived It

Until you’ve lived it

You will never understand your fears are real to you

Until you’ve lived it

It’s not real to you

Until you’ve lived it

The hand over your mouth doesn’t scare you

Until you’ve lived it

The fear you will never understand

Until you’ve lived it

The tears in your eyes will never be there

Until you’ve lived it

Your nightmare will never become reality

Until you’ve lived it

It’s just a phrase

Until you’ve lived it

Domestic violence means nothing

Until you’ve lived it

You can’t just heal

Until you’ve lived it

PTSD is just something you don’t understand

Until you’ve lived it

You need to let me speak

Until you’ve lived it

The worry won’t be something you need to live with

Until you’ve lived it

Don’t tell me how to feel

Until you’ve lived it

You will never understand you can’t bounce back

Until you’ve lived it

You don’t get to have an opinion

Until you’ve lived it

Leave me be

Until you’ve lived it

You will never know what it’s like to be a survivor

Until you lived it

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