AG James Tries to Nail Trump, CNN Upset About Departure of CEO, Upcoming UFC & WWE Pay-Per-Views

The AG of New York, Letitia James, had a win in court today. A judge ruled the former guy, Donald J. Trump, and his children must testify in James’ investigation. We doubt she will actually put him under oath because she failed to do that for most of the witnesses in the probe of Andrew Cuomo. She also failed to successfully bring a case against Daniel Prude’s murderer

AG James also continues to call Andrew Cuomo a “bully”. So defending yourself is now a crime? We doubt AG James has ever picked up a law book let alone go to law school. 

Alisyn Camerota likened the forced resignation of buttmunch former CEO of CNN Jeff Zucker to the “death penalty”. She claims this is wreaking havoc on her mental health. Lady, you’ll get used to it. This is what we call “privilege”. Facing a new boss at your swanky, well-paying job is traumatic? Give us a break!

Jeff Zucker’s mistress and former co-worker, Allison Gollust, was forced to resign on Tuesday. In retaliation, CNN went to new lows in their ongoing battle with Chris Cuomo. What is this, a custody battle? They aired allegations against him without providing any proof. Do they think we’re suckers? What happened to due process?

The trooper, Jeanette, who accused Andrew Cuomo of harassment, has announced that she’d like a financial settlement. Confirming our suspicions that this is only about money. It’s kind of difficult to get justice for a lie. This is merely a request, it does not mean it will ever make it to trial. 

The Russian female figure skater who recently went through the doping saga after landing a quad failed to medal on Thursday. This is probably the end of her Olympic career. 

You can view the medal count here.

The LA Rams won the Super Bowl, defeating the Bengals 23-20. 

Rapper and actor Eminem made headlines for taking a knee during the Super Bowl halftime show. Rudy Giuliani was so outraged he demanded Marshall leave the country. 

Violence has broken out in Eastern Ukraine between Russia and Ukraine. Sadly, a kindergarten was obliterated. Both countries blame the other for firing first. US Secretary of State, Tony Blinken, warned to brace for a Russian invasion in the next coming days. 

The WWE Pay-per-view, Elimination Chamber, will be held on Saturday on the Peacock Network and as a stand-alone pay-per-view at 12p EST. This means The Gala Sister’s video will air at 11am EST. 

The next UFC Pay-per-view fight is Tuesday, February 22nd. The main card starts at 10P EST, the pre matches start at 8P EST.

We continue to send positive energy to Keith Mason and his partner Riona Kelly.

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