What do Joe Rogan and CNN Have in Common?

Who REALLY created Joe Rogan?

“There will always be a wolf hiding in plain sight. Drawing on fears, drawing on fright. Build your houses of courage and pride so from the big bad wolf you won’t have to hide. Stay strong and blow him away. Keep your flock around to make evil stray.”

-Michelle Nadasi

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We’re sitting here learning all we can about the stupid loser, Jeff Zucker, who used to be the CEO of CNN.   What if we told you that he was responsible for one of the most hated people in the world right now?   During his reign of terror at NBC he discovered Joe Rogan.  Wow, he thought he could hide that one.  Little does he know that when we poke around we can find anything.  Run you stupid jerk.  Your trail of destruction is very long and let’s take it apart.

You didn’t think we were done, right?  Nope, we will NEVER tap out, we’re ready for your next round.  We play all of our cards close to our chests and only show you when we have to.  We are good at not playing fair.  Just like Zucker is good at finding buttlickers.

So let’s go back to the days when he worked at NBC.  That was a while ago, but like elephants, we don’t forget.  He began his days at NBC as a simple intern starting with the 1988 Summer Olympics.  In 1989 he had worked his way up to field producer for “Today” and in just a few short years he became an executive producer.  In 1992 he started “Today’s” outdoor rock concert.  In 1994 he moved it to Studio 1A with a huge window.  He was there for 16 years.  

In 1995 NBC started a show called “News Radio”.  In that show, there was an unknown actor who played an electrician, by the name of Joe Rogan.  This show took place at a radio studio, WNYX, a fictitious radio studio in New York.

In 2000 Zucker worked his way up to President of NBC Entertainment.  One of his main jobs was to keep up the network schedule.  He helped create a little reality show by the name of “Fear Factor”, hosted by none other than Joe Rogan.  In those days he was relatively unknown, but Jeff Zucker turned him into someone.  

So if we are looking for someone to blame for Joe Rogan, maybe you can look at Jeff Zucker for an answer? Afterall he was the one who took a chance on him.  We propose that we cancel him.  Bye jerk.

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