Investigating Your Governor: A NY and NJ Tradition

“Triangles are my favorite shape
Three points where two lines meet
Toe to toe, back to back, let's go...Let's tessellate”

-alt-J “Tesselate

The calls for Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign amid scandalous allegations are not an anomaly exclusive to him. Not only has it happened to several other politicians as we saw in our video about Al Franken and Keith Ellison, but it has become somewhat of a tradition in New York and New Jersey. We are going to show you that the people attempting to smear Andrew Cuomo and force him to resign or be impeached have gone through what happened to other Governors and politicians to copy it. What they don’t know is that we can investigate it too!

We’ll start with Chris Christie. He was the 55th Republican Governor of New Jersey from 2013-2014. Phil Murphy is the current Governor of New Jersey. Christie was also the former U.S. attorney for New Jersey from 2002-2008. As a Republican, he campaigned for both Bush’s.

Chris Christie became one of the most hated U.S. Governors during the Fort Lee Lane Closure Scandal also known as Bridgegate. Where 2 of the 3 toll lanes to the George Washington Bridge were closed right in time for rush hour in Fort Lee from September 09 to September 13, 2013, for an alleged traffic study. Fort Lee declared it a threat to public safety because it caused major backups and gridlock. Local authorities were not informed about this closure ahead of time. People began to suspect that this was politically motivated as the order to close these tolls came from Chris Christie's office. He had never gotten along with the Democratic Mayor of Fort Lee Mark Sokolich. People thought this was retaliation. After the Feds investigated they found 3 of Christie’s staff members guilty of conspiracy. Christie denied that he knew anything about this. However, it was still enough to ruin his reputation so much that he lost the Presidential nomination to Trump. If we take Christie at his word that he knew nothing, it looks like perhaps it was Trump who coerced Christie’s staff into betraying him. 

Perhaps this is where Andrew Cuomo’s opponents got the idea to try to pin some alleged safety problems with the Mario Cuomo Bridge on Governor Cuomo. It worked on Chris Christie. However, after the feds investigated the Mario Cuomo bridge they declared it was safe. Bridge closures and safety are not generally blamed on the Governor as we saw in our own State of MN when the 35W Bridge collapsed in 2007.

Christie did himself no favors during the Beach State Park scandal of 2017. Many state parks, including Beach State Park, and other state government facilities and services were closed due to a budget shutdown. But this did not stop Christie from flying into Beach State Park on a helicopter so he and his family could enjoy the beach alone. When he was asked for his response to people who were upset he partied when they weren’t allowed to he said “I’m sorry, they’re not the Governor.”

On October 16, 2020, it became public that Chris Christie spent 7 days in the ICU with Covid. He admitted he had not been wearing masks and begged people to wear them. A month before he got Covid he was asked by Trump to prepare him for his debate against Biden. That is just odd. It’s similar to his relationship with Ted Cruz. Cruz and Christie are both some of Trump’s biggest supporters despite having run against him. It’s almost as if Trump has something over their heads.

Then we move over to Jim McGreevy. He was the Democratic 52nd Governor of New Jersey from 2002 to 2004. He was also in the NJ General Assembly from 1990-1992. He used to be a teacher, an assistant prosecutor, and executive director of the state Parole Board.

He was forced to resign when he appointed his secret lover Golan Cipel to homeland security advisor, despite the fact he was underqualified. Some people threatened to expose his affair and that he was gay through a lawsuit, so McGreevy publicly admitted to it and resigned. To us, it looks like McGreevy was in a Lavender marriage because he knew that the people were not ready to vote for a gay Governor. Things are different today as we see with Jared Polis. We think McGreevy was ran out because bigoted people were upset that he was gay and overreacted to the promotion of Golan Cipel. Trump was known for promoting his friends and family to high-ranking White House positions who were grossly underqualified.

This was not the only scandal McGreevy was involved in. One of McGreevy’s fundraisers, David D'Amiano, was sentenced to prison for extortion. McGreevy also was involved in planning ways to benefit Charles Kushner, who ended up going to prison for his shady financial support of some politicians. Kushner was later pardoned by Trump. Kushner introduced McGreevy to Cipel who seduced him. So the question is was Cipel coerced into doing this in a concerted effort to get rid of McGreevy?

And lastly, we’ll take a look at Eliot Spitzer. Bronx-born, Spitzer was the 54th Governor of New York from 2007-2008. It is important to note that Andrew Cuomo was the AG at that time. Spitzer had also been the AG of New York from 1999-2006.

He resigned after he was accused of using a prostitution ring while he was staying in a hotel paid for by campaign funds. He tried to legalize gay marriage, which Governor Andrew Cuomo eventually legalized. Spitzer was a revolutionary for the time and people just didn’t like him. He even gave illegal immigrants driver’s license and got in huge trouble for having the police tail a visiting Senator. People just didn’t like him. He was too progressive.

Andrew Cuomo, the AG, decided not to press charges due to a lack of evidence. Spitzer resigned anyway. He probably was tired of the excessive criticism and drama. He went on to host a TV show and teach at a college.

Ron Kim worked for Spitzer as Regional Director for Government and Community Affairs. It seems odd that Ron Kim has now been so close to two progressive Governors who were accused of sexual misconduct and asked to resign. We don’t believe in coincidences. We’d be curious to hear what Spitzer has to say about what it was like to work with Ron Kim. What does Ron Kim stand for? We all know how much he hates Andrew Cuomo, but did he too have something to do with Spitzer’s allegations? History has a tendency to repeat itself and leopards spots do not change. If Ron Kim is a corrupt psychopath today he probably always has been. Lurking beneath the surface, ready to pounce!

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