An Open Letter to CNN

*These are our opinions and ours alone. We are not affiliated with the Cuomos or CNN in any way and speak for ourselves only. This includes Amazon Affiliate links. As an Amazon Affiliate we earn from qualifying purchases at no additional expense to you.

We hope everyone read our blog about Yellow Journalism. If you haven’t you should. It has come to our attention that CNN has several garbage employees, aka Yellow Journalists. We loved the network when we were in the middle of the election of our lives. The battle against Trump. We became used to fighting alongside nearly every single one of the anchors and contributors in the epic year of 2020. They seemed like our constant companions and even friends while we were all isolated. Many of us from our own families because of Covid-19. One of our favorite memories is when they covered the first shipment of the Covid-19 vaccine. They were all so excited. We also loved seeing them promote voting through their ads. Each anchor and contributor shared a video or picture of themselves dropping off their ballot with a personal message.

But then 2021 hit and Joseph R. Biden Jr. was inaugurated as 46th President of the United States. Now that Donald J. Trump was out of the picture and the race riots were over it seemed like CNN had nothing to talk about. So, not unlike a tabloid, they invented a scandal with its very own villain. This wouldn’t have been so bad except that their very own top-ranking Prime Time anchor is the brother of their so-called villain, Andrew Cuomo. Governor Cuomo had not so long ago been a media darling. One by one they all showed their fangs and ripped Andrew and Chris Cuomo to shreds.

First, let us share with you our top 3 anchors.

Michael Smerconish used to hold the bronze medal. But, since we don’t support liars and traitors, he has been stripped of his medal.

Coming in at Silver would be John Berman. Berman is a crotchety, ornery jerk. Back in the day, we used to religiously watch New Day when Alisyn Camerota was still his co-host. We enjoyed sparring with him over Twitter and had some EPIC conversations.

Berman is one of the funniest and strangest people ever in the news. Not a whole lot is known about Berman, except that he is from Massachusetts originally. We will probably never forget his interview with Mike Pence where Pence spoke down to him and over him until John cried.

The Gold Medal can only go to one person. Someone who has been the Nation’s rock and former leader of the #Resisters. Although he is a crass asshole and downright jerk we wouldn’t trade him for all the gold in the world. We spend so much time listening to him we truly feel like he’s our friend. In fact we have spoken to him many times. Like Smerc he has a show on SiriusXM. He is the number one ranked anchor on CNN, but always finds himself embroiled in controversy. Whether it be from threatening someone, breaking quarantine to fight a biker, wearing a cross on his forehead on TV, sparring with his guests, refusing to wear a mask in his apartment building, ridiculous Instagram posts, and fighting with trolls on Twitter but damn if we don’t love him.

He always analyzes every side of a situation in much the same way we do. And he is known for cross-examining his guests as if they were in a courtroom because he is an attorney. He is the host of Let’s Get After It POTUS 124 and Cuomo Prime Time on CNN, Christopher Charles Cuomo

Now that we’ve gone over the top 3, let’s go over some of the reporters and contributors that we absolutely detest. We think they owe us, CNN viewers, some sort of public apology. We think they should be suspended and forced to go through sensitivity training. And if they refuse they should be terminated. In this part, we are going to give some of the worst employees at CNN our own Gala Evaluation.

We could not have a list of terrible reporters without Jake Tapper. Tapper stands on everyone to make himself look taller. Whether it be Donald Trump or our very own Governor Andrew Cuomo. He has even tossed Chris Cuomo under the bus. He seems almost gleeful to report negative things about Andrew Cuomo. When he reports on Andrew Cuomo an evil smile creeps across his face as if he’s giddily ripping his coworker’s family apart so that he can steal his spot on Prime Time. But, of course, that will NEVER happen! He even went so far as to throw shade at Hillary Clinton as he was waiting on air for the verdict of the Derek Chauvin/Murder of George Floyd Trial. But of course, Tapper has other problems than just political officials. When you look deep into his eyes he looks like he’s about to hurl or cry. We don’t think he’s very happy. He also claims that he’s only wearing glasses to support some 10 year old, but he looks like even more of a jerk making fun of people who have to wear them for medical reasons. Hearing his voice makes us cringe.

Tapper promotes his book fervently and forces other people to do it too. Meanwhile, he rips Andrew Cuomo to shreds for writing and selling a book. Which Cuomo did not profit off from by the way. But if you’d like the full details on that check out our video on our YouTube channel. Tapper enjoys grilling his guests on their opinion of Andrew Cuomo and whether he should resign. He even asked Larry Hogan (Governor of Maryland). He dragged Dana Bash, who he shares State of the Union with, into the mess by somehow getting her to ask Jen Psaki (White House Press Secretary) if Governor Chris Cuomo should resign. Yes, she mixed up the brothers! Jake Tapper should walk away while he has some dignity left.

Next on our list is Harry Enten, the Wizard of Odds. It may seem strange to put Enten on a list of people we detest, but hear us out. First off, he’s incredibly boring. His hobbies outside of statistics include eating Popeyes and collecting pictures of people’s dogs on social media. Would you believe us if we told you that his own mother is a doctor and yet he is obsessed with eating food that will clog your arteries in a heartbeat? None of this would be so bad, but Harry Enten openly admits to NOT VOTING! So why did CNN have him on the panel of late-night reporters covering the 2020 election? He’s setting a TERRIBLE example for young and old alike! If we didn’t know better we would swear that he was madly in love with Chris Cuomo. For two reasons; he called out Chris on Twitter for ignoring his texts and says, “I’ll think of you while I’m eating dinner!” during their farewell on Chris’ show.

Despite the fact that S.E. Cupp is a Conservative Republican, she is a Never Trumper. At first we absolutely adored her because she shared our love of makeup, glasses, and hair dye. She’s very pretty. During the election she had many great points and we learned a lot from her. However, she’s still a Republican and you can’t change that. Her fangs came out when the Andrew Cuomo accusations started to fly. To our surprise, she ran with it.

It’s like she has some sort of sick vendetta against all the Cuomos because they are Left-leaning. She seemed delighted that she could rip into her coworker’s family. She did it with gusto!

Then we walk over to Chris Cillizza, who is the C string of Chris Cuomo’s POTUS show Let’s Get After It. He is also a frequent contributor on CNN. He wouldn’t be so bad except for a few things. He once live-tweeted Andrew Cuomo’s briefings. He seemed excited about the fact that Andrew Cuomo may be going down. One day during “All Request Thursday” on Let’s Get After It he sent in a request for a song. They subsequently called him and spent half an hour talking to him about absolutely nothing. He’s just boring. There’s nothing redeeming about him. He’s not unique in any way. Somehow our very own Rhea wound up his Newsletter via email despite the fact that she NEVER signed up for it. How did this happen? Please leave her alone. We bet we could find 50 people just like him walking down the street in any city.

Sanjay Gupta. Et tu Brute? Oh how we used to love you. We don’t remember a time when you weren’t there. Growing up we held onto your every word. You know more about the medical field than most people in the entire world. Some of you may have noticed that Gupta rarely shows up on Chris’ Cuomo Prime Time show anymore. He used to be there almost every night. Through a stroke of luck, we happen to know why. Words hurt. And if Chris is anything like us he has a hard time forgiving. The day the nursing home issue escalated around Governor Cuomo when the New York AG Leticia James released her preliminary statement on the findings of the nursing home deaths Sanjay Gupta was called into New Day. Governor Cuomo had stuck his foot in his mouth and said something like “it doesn’t matter where they died. A death is a death.” One of the hosts asked Sanjay about this and he said, “I don’t know why Andrew Cuomo would say that. It’s awful.” Despite the fact he seemed blindsided by it and like he may not have had his morning coffee yet, he failed to defend his friend Chris’ brother.

Since that fateful day things have NEVER been the same between Chris and Sanjay. Chris stares at Sanjay with an icy glare and seems like he may cry. It looks like Dr. Leana Wen took Sanjay Gupta’s place. We’re not her greatest cheerleaders either though.

We can’t remember a time when Anderson Cooper wasn’t around. He’s done so much; in fact, he is one of the highest-paid journalists in the country. This man might be the single most annoying human being to disgrace the earth with his presence. We are pretty sure he’s an android. He does not emote and when he tries to it makes us cringe in horror. He has so much Botox he can’t move his face. He also speaks in the most boring, monotone voice to exist. As huge Larry King fans, we find this appalling. When he covers an intense story his lack of emotion comes off as disrespectful. Even Minnesota’s own Randi Kaye can’t save him. We would rather get lobotomies if it meant we didn’t have to watch Anderson Cooper’s dribble.

Not to mention, one day, poof! He became a Dad. But it was during the 2020 election and Covid so he chose not to take any time off for his newborn, who was dropped at the mercy of Andy Cohen. Whether he is dating Andy Cohen remains a mystery. There were rumors they were getting engaged, but nothing happened. Their antics on New Year’s 2021 almost redeemed Anderson Cooper, but it just wasn’t enough.

Anderson Cooper has questionable content that really bothers us. We end up seeing some of it as we tune into Chris’ show which airs right after. Cooper apparently sent his team onto the street to find a drug addict to help. They found one pretty easily and produced a gut-wrenching, heart-warming story. Their efforts fell flat as the man they tried to help relapsed and died. It seemed like he was messing with this man’s life purely for entertainment. He also has his team stick cameras in illegal immigrants' faces as they jump the Mexico/American border wall. How is this appropriate!? Wait, we forgot, it’s NOT!

On August 15, 2020, Anderson Cooper said words that we are not certain we can ever forgive him for. He compared Masonic culture to that of Qanon. He didn’t even get any Masons on his show to defend us. We say us because we are members of Eastern Star, a Masonic organization for men and women. His panel discussed our people which is pretty insulting. We could have easily found him a real Mason to represent us and explain our culture to everyone. The segment never made it to social media and it appears CNN buried it.

Then Cooper decided to go on a rampage against the Cuomos, starting with Andrew, but Chris wasn’t spared. We always thought his handoff to Chris was very cold and creepy. We got the impression he hates Chris. He used to have a 2-hour show and lost an hour to Chris, so maybe he resents him for it? While they usually brought in John Berman or Jim Sciutto to cover AC360 so Cooper could take a night off, Cooper usually filled in for Chris on Cuomo Prime Time. Well, it just so happened that when Chris took a week for Easter 2021 to share with his children, Anderson Cooper did something awful! He failed to mention that he was subbing for Chris and that Chris would be back after his vacation. The only reason we knew Chris hadn’t quit or been fired is because we listen to his show on SiriusXM and he explained it. Social media went crazy. Fox News reported he was gone for good. Chris’ fans were scared. Not even Don Lemon cleared up the confusion. We spent the entire week calming people down. That was it, we had had it with Anderson Cooper. This attempted sabotage prompted a rule change for Cuomo Prime Time. Now Michael Smerconish subs for him and the show goes on like normal under its regular name. This is a much better way to run this slot.

Anderson Cooper is hands down the WORST employee CNN has!

Then we come to our personal least favorite host. Again, he’s been around forever. There is no one as terrible as this person. We see through the charade. Listening to him speak to Chris Cuomo on POTUS made us want to jab Qtips in our ears, oh wait, we fell asleep. He claims to be Chris’ best friend, however, we have never seen a picture of them hanging out together on Chris’ Instagram story. Loyal listeners of Let’s Get After It know who Chris’ real best friend is. We wish this person would go away. Don Lemon’s bro banter with Chris at the beginning of his show sounds scripted. Chris often looks down at his phone as if he’s reading. According to our gay friends, Lemon fits the stereotype of the gay men who try to hide their femininity to fit in by being macho. Which is degrading to feminine men. We have tried so many times to watch him and we just can’t do it. We either fall asleep or get pissed off. In Chris Cuomo’s own words Lemon is too editorial. He tries to force his opinion on you instead of guiding you to figure out the truth on your own.

What Lemon says to Chris really bothers us. He often talks down to him. Occasionally Lemon will get out his phone and read texts from Chris’ wife. It’s just rather odd. It looks like he’s rubbing it in Chris’ face. Don Lemon said something scathing to Chris that we can never forgive. Something that if we were in charge of CNN we would have fired him for right there on the spot. No second chances, no explanations. This attitude damn near got our own Rhea killed. He and Chris were discussing Chris’ long-hauler symptoms on September 5, 2020, and Chris said, “do you believe me now?” and Lemon responded sarcastically, “are you sure it’s not all in your head?” Ignoring someone’s medical ailments and complaints is NEVER ok. If someone is in pain or suffering you should always take that very seriously. Rhea’s ex-husband (and doctors) ignored her pleas for so long for medical aid that she nearly died from a medical emergency. Don Lemon is a terrible human being and should be fired by CNN immediately and never hired as a reporter anywhere ever again. As a gay man, he should know better than to say such things about the disabled/chronic illness community; because they share so many members.

We would rather have our legs sawed off slowly than watch Don Lemon’s entire show ever again.

We know there are many other reporters that work for CNN, many of them are pretty pathetic too and have capitalized on Andrew Cuomo’s temporary downfall. The ones we mentioned we feel are the most egregious. CNN makes up rules just for Chris Cuomo that don’t seem to apply to the other members of the staff. He is judged very harshly. We understand that Chris could not cover his brother’s story because it is a conflict of interest. We’ve heard of similar situations. That’s not unique to just Chris and we have no problem with it. However, he often apologizes for misdeeds while none of the other anchors and contributors ever do. If we are going to make a habit of forcing him to apologize on-air then we need to hold the rest of the staff to the same level of accountability. We are still waiting for apologies for our complaints and it looks like we may be waiting until long after we are 6 feet under.

We would also like to note the lack of open lesbians on CNN. There are plenty of gay men, but the women are sorely under-represented. As we are lesbians we always notice things like this. There are also no female anchors during Prime Time in the evening. It’s all men. Yeah, 2 of them are gay, but they are still MEN! And they are very normal looking. None of their anchors have an alternative look. S.E. Cupp and Victor Blackwell are as close as they get.

Tattooed, hair dye, and makeup freaks can still look professional. We mean, we do! Why not hire people based on their qualifications and talent and not what they look like? Yes, Chris is a white hetero male. However, he stands out because he speaks about his mental health issues in a very vulnerable way. He is also a wild child, despite the fact he is almost 51. He’s a renegade who cannot be tamed. There’s nothing normal about him. He’s real mouthy and gets into fights, but us old lesbians love him because he is a champion for the gay community.

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