The Many Scandals of CNN

“I would rather be known in life as an honest sinner, than a lying hypocrite…”


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It seems these days that no matter what station we turn on there is always something new about CNN.  There was a time that we used to respect them, but those days are long behind us.  It appears that no matter what they say or do they are being exposed as the fakes they are.

On November 30, 2021, CNN made the shocking announcement that they had made the decision to suspend Chris Cuomo indefinitely, pending an investigation as to how involved he was in his brother, Andrew Cuomo’s “Farce of an investigation, into his alleged sexual misconduct.” To date, there have been no charges filed on him, and we doubt there ever will be.  

In May 2021, Chis Cuomo was forced to give an apology for being involved with his brother’s case.  It was a forced, half-assed ridiculous one. It seemed like it was all over, but lurking in the distance was a curveball that no one saw coming. AG Leticia James decided to release a faked version of the transcripts that showed nothing more than that she didn’t have the faintest idea what she was doing.

Chis’ testimony came out and everyone took out their pitchforks and flame throwers and began to rip him to shreds. All the allies he once had turned their backs on him, until he was all alone in a corner by himself. Backed up against the wall by the mob, the CEO of CNN, Jeff Zucker, at the time felt he had no other choice, and made this wrong decision and let Chris go.  We disagree with this decision and acknowledge that this was the undoing of CNN.  Chris was fired on December 4, 2021, and things just got worse from there.

In the days that followed traitor, Don Lemon made a similar ethics violation that involved Jesse Smullet.  He allegedly texted Smullet that the police were looking at him.  What did CNN do, fire him? Suspend him? Nope, they glossed over it as if nothing had happened.  Just like they have done with his sexual misconduct allegation involving Dustin Hice, where Don Lemon acted inappropriately at a bar Hice was working.  There is a lawsuit in court as we speak.  CNN has yet to comment on this at all.

Then we travel over to Jeffery Tubin.  Where do we even start?  This man is very disgusting.  He was on a Zoom call on October 19, 2020, and decided to pleasure himself so that everyone could see what he was doing.  What has his defense?  He thought his camera was off.  What?  Why would you do that in the middle of a meeting? Does this mean that you can drop trou and do something like that in a board meeting under the table?  We don’t think so; everyone could see what you are doing.  That’s like peeing or pooping on the floor during a meeting, and that would be weird.  After the New Yorker fired him, CNN just suspended him.  What did they do after that, they let him back on the network.  Oh, good lord no, this sick man has no business on the news.

Next on the list is Ryan Lizza.  Lizza is a former employee of The New Yorker who has a “MeToo Allegation” where an unnamed woman claims that he was sexually inappropriate with her.  What was his defense? They had a consensual relationship.  He was fired from The New Yorker, but CNN picked him up?  What?  Why?  That doesn’t even make sense, but they are a network of nonsense, so we expect nothing less from them.

Oh, but it doesn’t stop there.  Did you think it did?  We have plenty more.  Masonic hater, Anderson Cooper comes in next. One day we were watching his show and he compared Masons to QAnon.  That is just sickening to us, as members of Eastern Star, and Rhea was a Rainbow Girl, and Emma was a Member of Job’s Daughters.  He made this report and it sounded like it was filed by a 5-year-old.  He brought on a panel of experts, but what was missing were ANY Masonic people at all.  He claimed they were experts, but they were not.  This is like saying, “I’m a human, so I’m an expert on all things human”. Cooper doesn’t even stop there, oh lord how we wish it did.  He also found a homeless drug addict on the street and tried to help him.  Was this a happy ending?  No, the guy died.  

Of course, we can’t forget Jake Tapper, oh as we call him “Tapout Tapper.” He always has to have a say in everything, he can’t just keep his mouth shut. The first thing that anyone will notice is that he always looks like he is either going to cry or puke.  That is just not the look you want for anyone to host your shows.  He has the most annoying voice and it makes you want to run for cover whenever you hear it.  He runs his mouth so much that we doubt he thinks before he says anything at all.  He asked every guest for a long time if Andrew Cuomo should resign. Many of them were not qualified to answer this question. What was he trying to prove?  He got upset about Andrew Cuomo’s book in one breath and in the next he was selling his own book. He makes no sense.  This in and of itself isn’t even the worse thing about him.  While he has never directly been involved with a scandal he has some producers that have been.  He had a producer named Teddy Davis who was forced to resign due to a “MeToo Allegation” several years ago.  He also had another producer that was put on a Project Veritas list by the name of Rick Saleeby.  It is unclear if he was still working at CNN at the time. This is ironic because several years ago a man by the name of Steve Brust wound up on this list and Saleeby made comments about it.

While we are talking about the sick weirdos that work at CNN we must not forget to talk about John Griffin, a former New Day producer who was caught seducing children and their mothers.  This man was arrested.  Just this past week his wife, Allyson Griffin, has filed for divorce and asked for full custody of his kids.  This is definitely something we agree with.  He should never be allowed around children, ever again.

Michael Smerconish is a jerk and a backstabber.  He pretended to be friends with Chris Cuomo and even agreed to be the B host for Cuomo Prime Time.  He seemed almost giddy to be asked to take Chris’ place despite the fact that not a week before he was willing to help Chirs out when he couldn’t be there.  It turned out that the only person he was interested in helping was himself. This is no surprise that Smerconish did this, as he is only interested in trying to boost his own ratings by bringing on people like Mark Halperin, as guests.  This one is sad because we actually supported him and enjoyed what he had to say.

How can we forget Sanjay Gupta? This one-time friend of Chris Cuomo, who seemed almost too excited to stab the Cuomos in the back.  In a matter of minutes, he lost all of our respect when he threw Andrew Cuomo under the bus about his nursing home deaths.  When asked about this on New Day he smiled the evilest smile we have ever seen.  He responded with something along the lines of “I don’t know why he did that.”  Well, we can tell you this and we aren’t even doctors it was Trump’s CDC policy.  Maybe if you read anything online you wouldn’t have eaten your own foot.  He went on to mock Andrew Cuomo with Jake Tapper and become nothing more than a walking tabloid.

Of course, all of this garbage about Chris Cuomo was peddled by many, but Brian Stelter brought a lot of it to light.  He claimed something along the lines of “Don’t be surprised if more allegations come out against, Chris.”  Oh wait more did come out, but it was about others.  Stelter has made his entire career at CNN insulting the employees at Fox News, and apparently their own.  He has nothing new to share and might be better suited for a job at Fox News.  He adds nothing to the CNN team and should have been fired years ago.  How he even got a job at CNN is a mystery to us!

Now we get to the whole reason we wrote this article in the first place.  To talk about the former disgraced CEO of CNN, Jeff Zucker.  He is an idiot and needs serious help.  It came to light this week that he was forced to resign, as Chris Cuomo’s lawyers have discovered that he was having a relationship with one of the other higher-ups at CNN, Allison Gollust. He failed to disclose this to anyone.  Once it was discovered he had no choice but to step away.  This comes as no surprise to us, as Zucker has a history of lying.  If you ask us why he covered for Matt Lauer during his Metoo scandal by claiming he knew nothing about it when he worked closely with him at the “ Today Show.”  According to Zucker, we are just supposed to believe that Lauer’s behavior changed after he left.  That is about as unlikely as our home is to be struck by a comet.  He also has said things to Alisyn Camerota that seemed sexual in nature.  If you ask us it was about time that someone stepped in and put a stop to this behavior before he did it, again.  

Just to remind you that CNN is going to more than likely be bought by WanerMedia, but all these scandals might make it a hard, if not impossible sell. CNN is dirty and needs to be shut down for good.  If you ask us we are very proud of our friend Chirs Cuomo for dragging out Jeff Zucker so that he can NEVER again do what he did to Cuomo to someone else.

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