The News on Andrew Cuomo, Is It True?

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Yes, we think it is.  We knew Andrew Cuomo wasn't about to tap out. We kept telling you not to worry, but you wouldn't listen.  We have lost count of the number of times we said, “Nothing is going to happen.”  You should have believed us, but instead, you panicked.  AG James and her henchmen, Joon Kim and Ann Clark, were just trying to scare us. That’s it, they were trying to instill fear in all of us.  

They tried to cancel the Cuomos, but they didn’t succeed.  They figured if they made things up the public would just blindly follow them.  However, that is much harder to put into practice.  In a matter of minutes, we all torched AG James’ report, it was really easy.  

AG James tried to turn Andrew Cuomo into a monster and all she did was make herself into one.  In a matter of minutes, she burned up her career and became nothing more than a liar. She thought that she could claim whatever she wanted, and her word would be law, but just because you say something doesn’t make it true.  

If the AG’s goal was to become a terrorist she succeeded.  Like the disgraced, Jake Tapper said “We don’t negotiate with terrorists.”  He‘s not wrong and as the saying goes “A broken clock is right twice a day.” She drove a lynch mob towards, Andrew Cuomo, but most of us turned around and went after her. While the terrorist went around peddling her lies, she was really canceling herself.

If she was an honest lawyer, she wouldn’t have done what she did.  She would have followed the law, and not made up her own laws.  She may very well have faked her way through law school. We wouldn’t put that past her if she lied once she has probably lied many times before.

She became a whiny baby and every time someone pointed out an error she got upset and blamed them.  No, she didn’t follow the law and didn’t defend Andrew Cuomo.  She wanted what she wanted, and that was all that mattered to her.  James is nothing more than a selfish bitch.

She decided that she wanted to run for Governor of New York, but she would soon realize that she couldn’t win that if she tried.  So in her annoying way she sheepishly bowed out of that race and decided to run for AG, again.  Maybe she thinks she can win but she ate her career, so no she can’t.  No one will ever hire her, again.  She will probably wind up on the streets begging for change with the accusers.  If that happens we will walk by her and laugh.  

Her good friend and fellow loser Sheriff Apple, was buying what she was selling.  He gave some pathetic press conference declaring Andrew was going to be arrested and charged.  Again, more lies and hot air.  He tried to overstep and file a complaint charge on Andrew Cuomo, but he didn’t have the jurisdiction to do that.  DA, David Soares asked for an extension, because he needed to sift through everything to find the truth.  Meanwhile, all the DAs she gave the report to dropped the case, and so did he. It was finally over, but there’s a lot of damage that needs to be cleaned up

During this time, Andrew Cuomo’s brother, Chris Cuomo was fired from CNN.  However, this was just more crap from AG James. She knew she was failing and she wanted something she could never have.  She wanted to be Andrew Cuomo, something she couldn't ever be.  

The knives come out, but The Cuomos keep ducking.  They haven't been killed by them.  They may have flesh wounds, but those heal. Every strike they are given makes them stronger.  They will not bend to these fake stories.  Keep them coming.

Then we get to the real question.  Will Andrew Cuomo run, again?  Yes, we are sure he will, he has the backing of people who support him, no matter what. We see through the lies and realize what is really going on here.  Andrew and Chris are loved and adored by all, and the AG is just a bitch who should learn her place.

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