Can We Trust Anyone in New York Politics?

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” -Gabriel Manigault

We’re missing a few key components of this case surrounding Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York. We’re going to cover these and then delve into some of our thoughts and theories on this to tie everything together. 

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Let’s meet Debra Katz, who is Charlotte Bennett’s attorney. She is 62 years old and has her own law firm called Katz, Marshall, and Banks in Washington DC. She has made a name for herself by representing alleged victims of sexual assault, harassment, and whistleblowers. She also takes on cases related to discrimination and retaliation in the workplace. She is currently representing Dr. Rick Bright who landed in hot water when he criticized the Trump administration’s desire to use Hydroxychloroquine for Covid19. She also is representing Christine Blasey Ford against Brett Kavanaugh. She is as much an “activist as she is a lawyer”. And sometimes those lines get blurred. 

Then we walk over to Mariann Wang, who represents Alyssa McGrath. Wang claims that Gov. Cuomo’s conversation with McGrath was not “just friendly banter.” She also makes a habit of representing alleged victims of sexual assault and harassment. 

We also all know Gloria Allred. She is a notorious “ambulance chaser of feminism”. We know her from Glee where she was Sue Sylvester’s lawyer. She is a U.S. women’s rights attorney and represents Sherry Vill. She helped break Vill’s silence by giving a ridiculous conference over Zoom that made no sense. She defended 2 men in a battery lawsuit against John Travolta. Jeffrey Rosen once referred to her as a “longtime master of the press conference.” Allred’s daughter, Lisa Bloom, is also an attorney and has taken on high-profile cases. They worked together to help Harvey Weinstein discredit his accusers. It is rumored that Allred came out of retirement to represent Vill. 

We were unable to find the rest of the girls’ lawyers. They don’t seem to be public knowledge. 

Governor Cuomo has some great lawyers working for him. Most notably is Rita Glavin. Glavin is working to clear him of the laughable sexual harassment accusations. She is a former Presidential lawyer. She used to work for the Bush and Obama administrations. She left her firm to work with Cuomo full time. It is rumored that she started a different law firm solely owned by her so she could do this. She has extensive experience and is a graduate of Fordham Law School. We think you should think twice about messing with her. 

Gov. Cuomo’s other lawyer is Elkan Abramowitz. He is handling the ridiculous nursing home scandal. He has worked for Woody Allen and Harvey Weinstein. He has also worked with Cuomo’s administration in the past so he’s familiar with how Gov. Cuomo works. 

Please note that Andrew Cuomo comes from a family of lawyers and is an experienced lawyer himself. In fact, the reviled Donald Trump helped boost his career. Donald J. Trump now has a score to settle with Governor Andrew Cuomo. This goes all the way back to former Governor Mario Cuomo. Donald Trump was good friends with Gov. Mario Cuomo. They often worked together and sent each other encouraging letters. As they were working together to build a stadium in Queens in 1986 Donald Trump hired the law firm where Andrew Cuomo worked. At this time there was no bad blood between the families. In fact, we’d say they were quite close. Andrew Cuomo had basically been working for his father for free, but after Trump hired the law firm he immediately became a partner at the young age of 27. The friendship fell apart after Gov. Mario lost the Gubernatorial election to George Pataki. While Andrew Cuomo was working for former President Bill Clinton Trump asked Mario to coerce his son into granting him a favor. His request was denied and Trump lost it in a fit of rage. Thus began the feud between the Cuomos and the Trumps. 

We also don’t think that AG Leticia James is gunning for Governor in the way you might think. Please remember it’s not just her doing the investigation. She’s working with other people. If she rules against Gov. Cuomo and then takes his job that would look very bad on her part. And she’d probably get investigated herself and sent to prison for fraud.

Now that we’ve presented you with the facts (see previous blog), let us give you some of our theories. These are just hypotheses. We are merely speculating. These are OUR thoughts based on the facts. We love to tie everything together. And remember, the truth is often stranger than fiction. 

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Theory 1: Trump hates the Cuomos and has funneled most of his hatred towards Governor Andrew Cuomo, although his little brother Chris Cuomo has not been spared. Trump is the puppeteer and mastermind behind ALL of the allegations against Andrew Cuomo. He sees Andrew as the easiest Cuomo to target due to his public status. Chris is not elected with votes, so Andrew is easier to hit. We think Trump has coerced all of the ladies to complain about sexual harassment. We also believe he is behind the outcry regarding nursing homes, which means he is working directly with Ron Kim (and Voices for Seniors) and others. Ron Kim is the Assembly Representative from Queens and his Uncle died in a nursing home. He also wants to be Mayor of Saratoga Springs, perhaps Trump promised him the position in exchange for a few favors? Perhaps he has his eye on a Gubernatorial run at some point?

What does Trump gain from the downfall of Gov. Cuomo? First of all, he wins, Cuomo loses. Trump loves to be right. Trump could also gain a New York State pardon from a Governor of his choosing. POOF! His prison time is GONE! And then he could be President again, forever. The most obvious choice for Governor would be his own son Don Jr. or Rudy Giuliani’s son Andrew who would also pardon Trump AND his own father Rudy. 

Theory 2: Charles D. Lavine, the gentleman in charge of the impeachment probe, still believes that the 3 men in the room (The Governor, The Speaker, and The Majority Leader) in 2015 all belonged in prison for corruption. These were Andrew Cuomo, Dean Skelos, and Sheldon Silver. Skelos and Silver are currently serving time. But are they truly guilty? We suspect they may be innocent. As a freshman Assemblyman Lavine said he wanted to clean up Albany. So are Skelos and Silver just pawns used to get to Gov. Cuomo? Is he potentially eyeing a run for Governor? Is he talking to these girls off the record and coaching them? However, we don’t think Lavine would pardon Trump. So Trump would never team up with him. 

Theory 3: Alessandra Biaggi and her family have a feud with the Cuomos that goes way back. Refer to our previous blog post for more information. Now, this young lady is the one who started the whole nursing home scandal. The Biaggis are die-hard Democrats. But does that mean that she would put aside her fear of Trump and work with him to take out Gov. Cuomo? She has connections to a lot of these girls. If we know that, then Trump does too. And we all know Trump will use anyone for anything. He is a desperate man with no morals. He would promise her the world. And just like love, hate is blinding. Alessandra probably noticed that Gov. Cuomo was in hot water. The nursing home issue rolled over into harassment claims from 10 women and Gov. Cuomo began fighting for his spot. She saw her opportunity and may have quietly reached out to Trump, who was more than happy to hear from her. He would have promised her Andrew Cuomo’s job and to help put Andrew in prison in exchange for a pardon for him and his friends. However, Trump never follows through on his words. A liar lies. And a sinner sins. And he would never allow her to be Governor. In fact, he’d most likely put her in a cell next to Cuomo. 

Theory 4: Sheldon Silver’s name keeps coming up. He just started his time in prison in August 2020 after appealing his sentence for years. This happened right around the time when Donald Trump lost his footing and was headed towards losing the election. We think this looks very suspicious. Was Trump keeping him out of prison? Now, we’ve never been to prison or even been arrested, however, we do follow some YouTubers who go into great detail about what prison is like. If you want to engage in nefarious dealings from prison most inmates can find a way. Despite the correctional officers’ attempts to stop them. Is Silver involved in framing Cuomo from prison? Perhaps he’s working with Lavine? We still stand by our theory that Lavine would never work with Trump, but he may not know that Silver is. Silver may be betting on a sweet pardon from Don Jr. or Andrew Giuliani. 

Silver is known for bypassing due process to publicly censure Assemblyman Vito J. Lopez in 2012. Lopez had sexual harassment allegations brought against him, similar to Gov. Cuomo. The girls accusing Lopez were represented by none other than Gloria Allred. Without investigating or speaking to witnesses or calling a vote Silver brought the hammer down. Not only did he censure Lopez he stripped him of his committee chairmanship and limited who he could hire. And Lopez used to be one of his allies. This is not the first time he’s done this either. He seems to have overcompensated after being criticized for going too easy on his top aide, Michael Boxley, who was accused of rape in 2003. One of them, Assemblyman Sam Hoyt, accused of having an affair with an intern, ended up working for Andrew Cuomo. The next time you complain about Carl E. Heastie, remember it could be worse, we could have Silver as Speaker.

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Theory 5: While we all know how much Mayor Bill de Blasio hates Andrew Cuomo, we don’t think he’s smart or vicious enough to plan this smear campaign against Gov. Cuomo. They have hated each other since they were children. We could be wrong, but de Blasio seems more like some punk kid who throws rocks at cars while they drive by, but not the crafty thief in the night who cuts the brake lines of a car. On the other hand, Karen Hinton, another of Cuomo’s accusers, used to work for de Blasio as his Press Secretary. While she worked for him suffered a TBI when she fell off a treadmill and was put in a medically induced coma for 10 days. A portion of her skull was removed. This makes us question the validity of her testimony.

Theory 6: Do you know who Gustavo Rivera is? He is a State Senator. Despite having endorsed Cuomo in 2014 he has been a long-time critic of Andrew Cuomo. He jumped at the chance to needle Melissa DeRosa’s words when she misspoke and said “Basically we froze,” when it came to nursing home numbers and data. He’s the one who outed her and turned it into a huge controversy. He also supports Ron Kim’s claim that Gov. Cuomo speaks to people in a threatening manner. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, we really saw his nasty side come out to play when he condemned Cuomo’s budget. He vehemently argued they needed a “bare-bones” budget which sounds an awful lot like how a Republican would speak. To us, it sounds like he would love to see Gov. Cuomo fall from power and then take his spot as Governor. Since he speaks like a Republican perhaps he, too, is working with Trump and would provide him a pardon?

Theory 7: Matt Gaetz and Ron DeSantis. You may be familiar with the allegations against Matt Gaetz. He has been accused of having sex with a 16-year-old girl, which is illegal and being involved in trafficking among other accusations. We need to remember that like Cuomo, Gaetz deserves due process. However, the evidence is piling up against Gaetz. It might seem strange that we bring up Gaetz, but hear us out. We’ve never believed in coincidences. The timing of this is all very strange. Almost like someone is trying to misdirect the public while the real problem perseveres. Gaetz is also tied to DeSantis, who is the Governor of Florida. As such he would a member of the bi-partisan National Governors’ Association which Gov. Cuomo happens to be the chair of. So what if Gaetz, DeSantis, and Trump are trying to create a media circus around Cuomo so that they can sneak in and take over, while gaining the pardons they so desperately need? If they succeeded in removing Cuomo they could replicate their strategy and remove every single Democratic Governor. We are already seeing them try with Gavin Newsom of CA, Tim Walz of MN, Gretchen Whitmer of MI, and more. So they would turn all of America, Red. We think this is the most plausible theory.

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So, how does Gov. Cuomo’s first accuser, Lindsey Boylan, fit into this? Does she know Biaggi? More than likely. She worked for the Governor and is running for office herself. She had to have run into Biaggi at some point. We speculate that Biaggi and Trump approached Boylan together to convince her to try and take down Cuomo. The fabled Medium article that was published under Lindsey Boylan’s name might not be written by her...Trump? Biaggi? Kim? Rivera? Whose idea was it really? We’ll never know. 

Most of these girls know each other in some form. Or they have some connection to Biaggi. It’s as if there were a secret clique of some sort that is intent on using #MeToo as a weapon. Their stories keep changing and they seem desperate to be successful. They even use the same words. We know how people act when they are employed by Trump. They forget what is real and compete for who can be the most radical follower of Trump. Often at the expense of others. They don’t move carefully and leave a trail of destruction behind them. They scream and cry for people to listen to them as if their own lives are on the line. If we aren’t careful, these women could become deadly women. Trump already incited an attempted coup at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. What else will this lunatic try? He’s made it clear he has no regard for human life. 

Governor Andrew Cuomo clearly has a lot of enemies and people who would benefit from his downfall, mainly because they want his job. What exactly do they expect from their Governor? Perfection? If you don’t like how someone introduces themselves that sounds like a personal problem. If you are that sensitive and insecure what makes you think you could do a better job?

We hope that you enjoyed this piece. We put a lot of time and effort into researching this. It took us days. Please support our work by subscribing to our YouTube channel and sharing our videos and articles with your friends and family! If you have any tips for us please email them to


Yellow Journalism and Fake News


A History of Corruption in New York Politics