Yellow Journalism and Fake News

Yellow Journalism

“Journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration.” -The Oxford Dictionary

We all know the obvious examples of Yellow Journalism: Fox News, OANN, Newsmax, etc. But we would also include the New York Post and NY Times. Some other big media names often dip their toes into sensationalist reporting, even stating blatant lies. In the last 2 days, we’ve been horrified by the behavior of certain journalists, in a way we never thought possible!

Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York re-opened his briefings to the media yesterday, 04/26/2021, when he held a briefing at the New York State Fair Grounds. He announced that the NY State Fair would go on this year! It will look a little different, but this is great news for the vendors who rely on this income and the people who enjoy it. Instead of rejoicing with the Governor over this announcement a certain yellow journalist, Jesse McKinley, of the New York Times, attacked Gov. Cuomo with his line of aggressive questioning. He then went on to write another one of his scathing, ridiculous articles about his encounter with the Governor. We are not going to link it because we don’t want to give him the views.

The reporter Bernadette Hogan, of the New York Post, joined McKinley in questioning Gov. Cuomo. She is also the reporter who badgered him about the nursing home scandal. She then went on to write an article where she lied about what he said. Is this real life? Yes, yes it is. Her fictional article caused such a stir that Gov. Cuomo’s Senior Advisor Richard Azzopardi made a statement on it earlier today.

Hogan reported that Gov. Cuomo made the statement that “People are venal, people want attention, people are angry, people are jealous.” about the women who are accusing him of sexual harassment. As you can see this is in fact in response to a question regarding claims people made about his supposed anti-trans and anti-Jew comments, which he never said. This must be why they call the NY Post the “New York Compost.” But what can we expect from something owned by Rupert Murdoch?

Hogan’s words have consequences. They have the ability to ruin careers. Words in general are very powerful. Words are the most powerful weapon, which is why in the fictional land of Gilead in “The Handmaid’s Tale,” women were not allowed to read. Reading gives us knowledge. And knowledge gives us power. S.E. Cupp is a political commentator for CNN who is known for her quick wit conservative outlook. She also has her own show called “SECUPP Unfiltered” on CNN which used to be on HLN. We actually used to have some respect for her; she seemed like she had a level head. Until now. Yes, she is a Republican, but she was never a Trumper. It looks like Hogan’s words are about to ruin Cupp’s career, not Cuomo’s. S.E. Cupp fell for Hogan’s lies, hook, line, and sinker. Perhaps CNN’s Fact Checker, Daniel Dale, may want to chat with Cupp about her inaccuracies.

While Charlotte Bennett’s lawyer, Debra S. Katz, is not a journalist, she has fed into the frenzy of blatant lies surrounding Governor Cuomo. She has been encouraging other women to come forward with allegations against Cuomo throughout this whole investigation. While she accuses Cuomo of impeding the investigation, it looks like SHE is the only who is doing that! In some sick way, she is letting the media influence her words and trying to fabricate evidence to feed them. She is trying to stay relevant. She incorrectly stated that Gov. Cuomo was sexually “propositioning a 25-year-old staffer.” He has never been accused of sexually propositioning anyone, including Katz own client, Charlotte Bennett. If Katz is trying to use this case to advance her own career this is not going to work.

Lindsey Boylan, Gov. Cuomo’s first accuser also made a statement yesterday. Boylan, like us, considers herself an amateur journalist. She actually went as far as to tell one of her original stories on Medium. Medium pays their writers quite well based on their views and read time, so we are not going to link it. Here is her statement from yesterday:

First of all, Boylan has no business making a public statement like this after she’s attacked the media so much and other politicians. She also should not be doing this in the middle of an investigation that SHE started. When she has something to say she really puts it all out there, doesn’t she? What she said here is also factually incorrect. Our own Rhea would know this because her ex-father-in-law had done a little work with the census. Traditionally, if you do not fill out your census form by a certain date someone from the U.S. Census Bureau would go knock on your door. The Governor has very little to do with this, it is a Federal run program, not State. The Covid-19 Pandemic made the in-person part very difficult if not impossible. Also, from what we have seen it looks like Trump manipulated it. Also, Bill de Blasio has spread more animus than anyone.

As Cuomo supporters we have helped contribute to four billboards supporting Governor Cuomo. Yes, we are not New Yorkers at the moment. But, that can and will change. This is very important to us. There are also Aerial Banners being flown throughout New York. Which we have also contributed to. One billboard stands out in our minds and sums up perfectly what the Yellow Journalists are doing.

One of the reasons we made our YouTube channel last May of 2020 was because we were fed up with seeing sensationalized news that was factually incorrect. 11 months later we are rocking it at about 500 subscribers! Those first 1,000 subscribers are the most difficult to get for any new YouTuber. And we are halfway there! We are so thankful for every single one of you who has supported us. This is our life’s passion. We want to get the truth out there. The only way to do that is through your support. YouTube is more likely to spread our material the more you interact with it, especially by subscribing. We’d do this no matter how many people are subscribed, but it’s nice to not be shouting into the wind hoping someone hears our message. We truly want to change the world in a good way.

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