Why Cancelling the Police is a Bad Idea

We keep seeing a lot of people saying things like “Cancel the police” or “Defund the police.”  We get it the police have made some bad ideas, but that’s a bit extreme.  That’s like saying we should murder all men since a handful of men are abusing women. However, when you live in a world of cancel culture what do you expect?

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No one understands this better than us, we live in Minneapolis, and the police are awful here.  The entire world watched in horror as George Floyd, Daunte Wright, and many others were murdered at the hands of the police.

Look at Sheriff Apple of Albany, New York, and how corrupt he is.  He tried to play judge, jury, and executioner to Andrew Cuomo.  He has bragged about his ability to manipulate the system and yet he still has his job.  This is what happens when you try and take the law into your own hands.  Someone needs to step in and stop people like him.

As usual we only hear about the bad things and not about the good.  The media is more interested about creating gossip than telling the actual story.  They report trash to get ratings, make money, and create problems that don’t exist.  Many of you are buying what they are selling and that is where canceling the police is coming from.

Did you know that the police are people, that have real family and feelings?  We think a lot of you have forgotten that. You look at them and you see trained killing machines.  You see their uniforms and you panic. Your logic goes out the window, and you forget how to think clearly.  We admit we were scared of police, too.  However, the minute you let fear dictate what you do, you’ve already lost.

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Many people are of the belief that if you cancel the police you will get rid of many of these problems.  However, this might not be the case, in fact police make the world safer, for the most part.  Yes, the police need to be better trained and we don’t deny that.  A world without police wouldn’t be the haven you might think.

We don’t live in crime free world, while that would be nice.  It’s just not realistic, because there are too many variables.  Not everyone is a good person, some are bad people.  No, we’re not just talking about the police here.  Some people are just evil and there is nothing that can be done about them.  

If you cancel the police, many people might not be here.  How many women and men are killed by their partners or ex partners?  More than we want to admit, sadly.  Many of you want to create a neighborhood watch, but you don’t think about the most important thing to almost all of the domestic violence survivors.  A lot of these people are silent about their abuse, and they fear that their abuser will be put on the watch, and hurt someone else. 

What happens if an abuser on the neighborhood watch attacks someone else or allows another abuser to get away with a crime? Or even allows a murder or rape? Who holds them accountable? So we are to trust a neighborhood watch full of untrained people with NO hierarchy? The boys in blue may not be perfect, they are far from it, but at least every single death at the hands of the police is investigated. There is the potential for accountability. We must increase this scrutiny. A neighborhood watch only lowers it!

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By canceling the police we are reinstating Darwin’s Theory. We would be creating a world where only the fittest could survive. A world where the elderly, disabled, children, and women would be at the mercy of the physically strong and dominant. What happens if a neighborhood watchmen crossed someone with a deadly weapon? 

We would arguably have a daily purge. If you are big and strong go take your neighbor’s wife. Oh you need another TV, just grab it from a house down the street. You don’t like the trash in front of your neighbor’s home? Burn it down! See that annoying child running down the street AGAIN, just run it over with your car! The only consequence may be a punch in the face by the neighborhood watch. Actually, historically speaking when humans take the law into their own hands they tend to create lynch mobs. 

Sexual predators would no longer be forced to disclose to their neighbors their transgressions, and if they did people would happily gather together to murder the pedophile! While we agree taking advantage of a child’s innocence is one of the most heinous crimes, at some point the blood shed must stop. We must strive to become a civilized people

So stop shouting “No good cops in a racist system,” writing “ACAB” everywhere, and “counting the pigs”. Instead say “No good cops in a broken system,” or “fire the bastard cops,” and “here, let me teach you”. Saying all cops are bad is no different than saying “all men hit women,” or “all painters huff paint,” or “all truckers are Trumpers”. It’s stereotyping a group of people, and yes, cops are PEOPLE. And stereotyping is no different than racism.

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While it is no secret that police need more de-escalation training. They arrest so many people who don’t deserve it; disabled people, PMSing women, minorities, etc. Our very own Rachel used to break up bar fights when she managed a bar in a past life without ANY use of force. There are also many ways to subdue and disarm a person without killing them. This is the idea behind techniques such as karate. Why aren’t the police being taught and trained how to do this? Instead we see fear and intimidation tactics. 

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Like many others we have taught our daughter to steer clear of the police. Stay away from them, they are often dangerous. Every time we have been pulled over we shake and cower in fear. We have been harassed and threatened by the police. We are not here to defend their actions. However, we understand the dangerous repercussions of eliminating them. 

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