Why Did You Get Blocked?

“I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”

-Bilbo Baggins

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We know many of you are wondering why we block you. We block people who annoy us, fight with us, and who refuse to listen to the truth. Some of you go head to head with us for no good reason. You rule your head with your emotions and do not keep your cool. To make matters worse you refuse to let it go. Long after you are blocked you continue to obsess about us. If our names are continually in your mouths and the topic of conversation, guess what honey, you’re not a hater, you’re a FAN.

Many of you deserve a cease and desist for the damage you have caused. Would you like us to blacklist you too? You make these wild assumptions about us, assuming we belong to a political party. But, your cult has brainwashed you into throwing stones at anyone who doesn’t completely align with your party’s beliefs. How many times do we have to tell you, “OUR CHANNEL IS NOT MONETIZED!” before you get it through your thick skulls?!

Many of the Cuomo girls have become nothing more than a mob of angry loons crying, “burn the witch!” It is as if you have become Cuomo’s accusers. You run to Andrew’s defense although 11+ people accused him of harassment. Dismissing their claims as “unfounded allegations.” Yet when it comes to your real life, you are quick to throw us away in the exact same way saying, “I heard from multiple people those two sisters are nuts, so it must be true!” You do not practice what you preach. We’ve even heard people say that we have trust fund money. That’s a lie. We have nothing. We live in a tiny apartment with our three cats. We had to beg and plead with our landlords to fix our heat as we suffered in the cold for weeks. If we are so privileged then where’s our $7 million mansion?

Once Rachel’s pandemic unemployment dried up we have been living on the small amount of money that Rhea makes, a tiny bit of divorce alimony, and food stamps. That’s all we have. We have no assets, no savings. We are stuck in our home with numerous chronic illnesses and chronic fatigue syndrome. Rachel cannot go back to working in a restaurant because we are all at high risk of contracting Covid and dying. Not to mention she is a full-time caregiver.

Even if we wanted to deal with you and your lunacy we literally do not have the energy. We tried to befriend a few of you, but your constant obsession with Andrew Cuomo was too much to bear. You are always upset and on edge. Attacking anyone who might disagree with you as if you want them dead. It is not healthy. Some of you have even had the audacity to ask for Andrew Cuomo to speak out against us. Why would Mr. Cuomo denounce 2 chronically sick sisters, raising an autistic child, who have done so much for him? You say this because you are jealous. You think we have something you want. Honestly, our lives aren’t that exciting.

Imagine every day of your lives waking up without knowing what you will be able to eat? Is your stomach going to revolt against you? An autistic child repeating herself with the same phrases day in and day out. Many of you need to check your ego at the door. Our lives are not glamourous. The beautiful makeup and nails are a mirage.

If you really want to know why you got blocked let us explain a few of the reasons.

  • You skinny-shamed Angelina Jolie. It is always wrong to body shame anyone for their weight.

  • You blocked us and we have no idea why. But you are lying and telling people that we blocked you first.

  • You blamed us for things other people did that we had nothing to do with.

  • You got too religious.

  • You were breaking the law.

  • You were bad-mouthing someone we care about.

  • You hit on Chris and Andrew Cuomo or any other celebrity. Celebrities are people, not objects.

  • You got angry and defensive when we outwitted you in a discussion.

  • You’re jealous.

  • You became lectury.

  • You misunderstood our tweet and told us to take it down.

  • You lied about us. No, OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL IS NOT MONETIZED!!!!!

  • You insinuated we were dating.

  • You said something ableist.

  • You said we’re privileged.

  • You told us how to vote.

  • You told us we need to be Democrats. Hello, we’re non-partisan.

  • You told us how to tweet Chris.

  • You forgot to include us when talking about the journalists who support Andrew Cuomo.

  • You didn’t get our side.

  • You alleged we aren’t gay.

  • You slandered our good name and told people to unsubscribe from our channel, hurting our business.

  • You misunderstood one of our jokes.

  • You blindly followed the mob.

  • You made up facts and looked stupid.

  • You’re too sensitive and annoyed us. Intellectuals get annoyed easily.

  • You constantly begged for money “to help Andrew Cuomo.”

  • You are OBSESSED with Andrew Cuomo and your entire social media is ALL about him.

  • You told us how to run our business.

  • You are in love with a Cuomo.

  • You hit on us.

  • You are anti-gay.

  • You got upset over one of our videos.

  • You don’t like our makeup.

Let’s make this clear: we don’t need you. We are happy to support Andrew and Chris Cuomo on our own with our own people. If you don’t like us, great, move on. AND SHUT UP ABOUT IT! Why do you brag about how much you hate us? Why do you denounce cancel culture and then try to cancel us? Who died and made you god? Do you really think Andrew Cuomo would want you to destroy people who support him just because YOU don’t like them? We doubt it. We are not here for you to love us, we are here to tell the truth.

As you can see from this list above you are not blameless. There are many good reasons to block you fools. You have attacked us and acted stupidly. Don’t talk about us anymore unless you have something nice to say. And, if you aren’t sure about us and someone comes to you badmouthing us, do what you wish AG Letitia James had done to Andrew’s accusers: tell them to “shut the fuck up and crawl back into the hole they came out of!”

As penance for your sins against us, we are going to require you to buy us at least one coffee each and find us 5 subscribers for our YouTube channel. You will not be absolved until you atone for your sins. To our friends and supporters, thank you for your loyalty. We appreciate you!

Thank you for taking the time to read our article. Please support our work by listening to our podcast, subscribing to our YouTube channel and buying us a coffee! You may also share our work with your friends and family. If you have any questions or comments please email us at thegalafam@gmail. We will NEVER open up comments on our website.


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