The Real People Behind the Cuomo Supporters

“Champions are pioneers, and pioneers get shot at. The companies that get the most from champions, therefore, are those that have rich support networks so their pioneers will flourish. This point is so important it’s hard to overstress. No support systems, no champions, no innovations.”

-Tom Peters

In Memoriam of Governor Cuomo’s biggest supporter, Lady Stardust I.

In Memoriam of Governor Cuomo’s biggest supporter, Lady Stardust I.

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By now most of us have read a couple other articles that did a pretty ok job covering those of us working hard to clear Governor Andrew Cuomo’s name in the court of public opinion. We think these articles don’t share the whole story so we are going to do that for you. No, we are not just discussing what we, The Gala Sisters have done, as it was a collective effort among many different people. While AG Leticia James and The New York Assembly have not officially cleared Andrew Cuomo of all the allegations against him, we believe they are going to do so. In fact, the NY Assembly is stuck in limbo. He has been cleared in the nursing home deaths. That was Trump’s fault. Gov. Cuomo is slowly once again becoming a media darling and people are once again speaking of him in a positive way. We’ve even recently heard him used in positive sound bites on SiriusXM POTUS 124.

While we’ve had our YouTube channel for over a year, it was created to help Biden and Harris win the 2020 election, we decided to use our channel to help clear Andrew Cuomo’s name. Although we’ve never met Andrew, it feels like we know him. We watched every single one of his briefings during 111 Days of Hell. In those briefings, it felt like he was sitting down to breakfast with his friends. We’ve been open about our support and gratitude towards both Andrew and Chris since we started our channel; we’ve even noticed that they have a similar relationship to ours. Rachel has a similar personality to Andrew and Rhea does to Chris. Our video and blog detailing how all 55 Governors handled the pandemic was our first time joining the battle for Andrew Cuomo.

Then we searched Facebook for groups with like-minded people. We knew we had to join the Cuomo army. Sadly, the Facebook group “Cuomo Fans Voting Blue,” which had 5,000+ members, was archived/deleted by the admin shortly before all this went down. We had offered to take over, but it was too late. We found a few others that we really enjoy. Our favorite is “We Stand with Governor Andrew Cuomo,” which Jennifer Kane Bennett admins. Through these Facebook groups, we met Lauren Iacono who fundraised for the Andrew Cuomo billboards along with Robyn Quarltere. We enjoyed submitting ideas to her for billboards and donating our own funds (along with many other citizens!) to them.

We also noticed there were fundraisers for aerial banners. Which we eagerly donated to. There was one in Syracuse started by Harjot Kaur and Amanda Ames. Another in Albany, Westchester, NYC, and Buffalo. No one could accurately claim Cuomo had no support. Cuomo’s enemies accused Andrew of purchasing these banners and billboards himself, which we know he didn’t, because we donated ourselves and know others who also did. We also helped promote it on Twitter.


Several petitions were made and circulated throughout the web. We signed every single one of them individually. We wanted to do whatever we could to show that we wanted him to stay in office. We started our own petition for Medium to remove lying Boylan’s article about Cuomo that made no sense.

We met the faces of Due Process Club (an IEC), Sheikh Musa Drammeh, Mutiu Olawuy, and more. Musa led the charge on the ground floor in New York State headlining several rallies in support of Cuomo. Musa is a wonderful speaker and very passionate about the cause. He led his rallies even if it was just him speaking with a few people around him. We teamed up with Due Process Club and held virtual rallies alongside their in-person ones. We’ve held several virtual rallies on our YouTube channel. They usually attract 150-250 live attendees.

Due Process Club invited the Cuomo supporters to submit Op-eds to their many publications. They also invited people to appear on the up and coming TV show called “Parrot TV.” We were honored to be picked to be on a panel with fellow Eastern Star sister, Sherrie Morris, on The Politics hosted by Sainabou Baldeh. This episode was titled “Cuomo Sexual Harassment Accusations: Adulteration and Politicization of Feminism and the Media.” This was the day we truly realized we are political activists. We have embraced it ever since.

Musa also hosted weekly private virtual rallies over Zoom. These were by invitation only. We enjoyed these. We got to put a face to the name of many of the other Cuomo supporters. In fact, we were asked to host one meeting in Musa’s absence. This is where we met Steven Lee who plans on running for NY State Assembly in place of Ron Kim for Queens District #40. We took this opportunity to practice Robert’s Rules of Order and use our gavel, which will one day be Andrew’s. These private rallies were not filmed, so you will have to take our word that they happened. Musa was also the brains behind “Cuomo Kiss Day,” which showed affection is normal and encouraged. So everyone should go thank our good friend, Musa, for all the hard work he has done and will continue for the great State of New York!

We have a segment on our YouTube channel called “Spill the Coffee,” where we invite qualified people to join us for an interview where we discuss current events among other topics. We noticed that Main Stream Media demonized Andrew Cuomo and refused to let anyone speak on his behalf. Their truth was silenced. We got our voice out on our channel, but we wanted to go bigger. So we invited Cuomo supporters on our channel to have their say. We had a massive response to our callout which continues to this day.

Our first guest was a woman in her 40s, named Samantha Hyman-Moreno. She, like us, is a special needs parent. Her story is really interesting, and she has had some direct contact with Gov. Cuomo’s office. She was one of the most interesting people we have ever met. We very quickly became best friends with her. We enjoy talking to her almost every single day. While her life hasn’t been easy we can relate to her in many ways.

We stumbled across a YouTube channel by the name of “Colonel Kurtz,” hosted by Professor Kirsten Lacefield. While she is NOT a Democrat she is highly involved in the anti-MeToo movement. We love her channel and enjoyed talking to her about the MeToo movement in general. You really should check out her channel!

One of Andrew Cuomo’s real life friends, Hilda Rosario Escher, got involved! Notice her background is a different color, and that is by design. She’s a little more well-known, especially in New York State. Her stories about Andrew were much more personal. We think you will enjoy meeting her, just like we did!

Next on the list is Long Island resident, Michelle Landa. She sought us out because she wanted to share her story. She was stuck in Florida for months because Covid-19 shut down non-essential travel. Gov. Cuomo helped get her back to New York by bending the curve.

We had fun discussing the situation surround Andrew with Sherry Joyce Johnson. She seemed very knowledgeable on Sandra Lee, Gov. Cuomo ex girlfriend. We knew who she was, we used to watch her show, but we didn’t know much about her. Sherry spilled all the coffee!

If you would like an interview too email us at

We wanted to use our platform to report the facts regarding the allegations surrounding Gov. Cuomo. They were blown way out of proportion and reporters were downright lying and confusing people. All of a sudden we were hearing Andrew Cuomo had raped 10 women, but no one was claiming that!!! The stories were constantly changing and our own beloved CNN became evil and obsessed with ripping Gov. Cuomo to shreds. Even we were lost. So we wrote down every detail we could find and put it on film. This is where having OCD comes in handy.

As we learned more we added a few more facts and our theories. In detective stories everyone sits in the parlour while the detetives lay out their case. We still stand by every single one of our original theories. However, we do have a few more. Stay tuned.

Through even more digging we found something rather interesting. Did you know that New York and New Jersey have a history of investigating their Governors?! A lot of the same names pop up time and time again. Pay close attention to the details. We guess they really hate having a Governor? Why else would they make their lives miserable?

But, of course, every story has its villain. This one is no exception. His name is Ron T. Kim, current Assemblyman for Queens District #40. This man might be the epitome of all evil. He’s worse than Trump! What does he do besides run his damn mouth on Twitter?! Many of us wonder if he actually ever does any work. His hatred of Gov. Cuomo dates back to 2015 when he helped draft a bill meant to help the employees of nail salons. When it backfired he ran crying back to Gov. Cuomo begging him to overturn the bill. However, bills don’t work that way. They have to pass through the NY Senate and NY Assembly before they land on the Governor’s desk. This man pretends that he’s upset the one of his family members died in a nursing home and that’s why he hates Gov. Cuomo. He’s a liar! He has attacked many Cuomo supporters on Twitter by calling them childish names. He first became a thorn in our side when he landed in Erin Burnett’s lap, crying like a bratty 5 year old, screaming more lies. It was the fakest act we have ever seen and obviously rehearsed. This is when we really lost for respect for CNN. Why did they give him a platform, but not Gov. Cuomo’s supporters? You have to show both sides! Take a look at this embarrassment for yourself.

If you’d like to see our message to Ron T. Kim and a more tolerable video you can watch this!

In a sad turn of events the Cuomo supporters on Twitter are fractured. CuomoCentric started it by accusing us of using Andrew’s unfortunate plight to make money. Let’s make this very clear, we have not made ONE cent off from our work. Subscribing to our channel is free and if we grow we can send our positive message about the Governor and other topics to the world! What is wrong with that? When we do get monetized and make money for our work, what is wrong with that? Andrew Cuomo himself is being paid to be Governor. We doubt he would volunteer his time for free. Bills still need to be paid. CuomoCentric convinced some others to turn on us with their selfish lies. Are they trying to eliminate competition in some game we are playing?

There was also another video addressed to Ron T. Kim made by another Cuomo supporter. Yes, this person is our friend, but we had nothing to do with said video. Despite the rumors being spread that it was our fault and idea. As survivors of domestic violence we do not control what other people do or condone violence of any kind. This was unfair and no one bothered to ask us what happened. Several people blocked or muted us on Twitter in retaliation. What you are you toddlers? Did you learn nothing from what happened to Governor Cuomo? You ran with what our accusers said in exactly the same way the NY Assembly and the media did with Andrew’s! You didn’t verify any of the allegations against us. We can prove they are lies. Here is our press briefing on it:

We do have one big minor thing these haters may be jealous of. Chris Cuomo is our actual friend. We got to know him by listening to his show on SiriusXm POTUS 124 called “Let’s Get After It.” This just kind of happened and it’s strange to even admit this. We are so thankful for his kindness. Since we are asexual lesbians with PTS(D) life hasn’t been easy or joyful. Some days we have trouble finding reasons to go on and both Andrew and Chris helped us find hope in the very dark world Trump and our ex-husband’s created.

If you would like to show your appreciation for the all the hard work we have done and our collabs with amazing people please subscribe to our channel. It is FREE! As usual the conversation does not end here, it has only just begun.


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