Why Andrew Yang Will Not Be the Next Mayor of New York City

“There is a big difference between giving up and knowing when enough is enough.”


Why did Andrew Yang lose his bid to be the next Mayor of New York City and the surrounding 5 boroughs? Where did he go wrong? We didn’t think it possible but the Former Presidential Candidate ended his NYC Mayoral Campaign utterly disgraced and humiliated. More so than when he first started. For those of you who do not know Mayor Bill de Blasio has termed out and cannot run again for another 4 years since he has already served for two 4 year terms. It is no secret that Bill de Blasio and Governor Cuomo do not get along. On June 23, 2021 Gov. Cuomo made this statement regarding de Blasio and the Mayoral race, “I think, in general, electing a new mayor is very, very positive for the city. We’re trying to get the city back up and running. Confidence in the mayor is very, very important.”

Yang, the son of immigrants from Taiwan, started out his career, as most politicians do, as a lawyer. He has a BA from Brown University and earned his Juris Doctor from Columbia University. A New Yorker born and bred he decided to settle down with his family in an apartment in the heart of Manhattan, one of the 5 boroughs of NYC. However, he also has a second home located in upstate New York. During the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, Yang fled the city and ran to his second home outside of Manhattan. He received a massive amount of backlash for this. A real leader does not run from their duties and people when things get rough, they stay and endure. Yang justified his decision to The New York Times by saying, “We live in a two-bedroom apartment in Manhattan. Can you imagine trying to have two kids on virtual school in a two-bedroom apartment and then trying to do work yourself?” Yes, Mr. Yang, many of us CAN imagine that. What you have my dear, is called privilege. Strike 1.

After Yang dropped out of the Presidential race in February 2020 he moved on to be a political commentator on CNN, which is where we first noticed him. He had a devoted, cult following called the “Yang Gang.” Not unlike our “Gala Fam,” or Jessica Kent’s “Ride or Die Crew,” or Molly Burke’s “Killer Bees.” The second he opened his mouth he annoyed us. He made blanket statements with no substance and never explained himself. We just wanted him to shut up and let someone intelligent speak. We were so happy when he left CNN to go down to Georgia and help turn it Blue. Although we aren’t sure what exactly he did while he was there. Strike 2.

Yang’s departure from the City during the pandemic would not be his only time trending on social media for his moronic decisions. Like Don Lemon, he seems to enjoy trending for all the wrong reasons. When asked by Showtime host and comedian Ziwe regarding his favorite subway station he responded with Times Square. New Yorkers accused him of being a tourist in his own city and acting aloof. Most people who live in New York City go out of their way to avoid the bustle and chaos of Times Square. Just like in MN we try to avoid the Mall of America in favor of smaller malls.

Despite all of this Yang may have stood a chance of making it past the primaries. That is until he made the biggest blunder of all. Like a little idiot, he made a tweet that cost him everything. He decided to side with the Far Right. We argue that the Far Right is not much different than the Far Left, after all, they both like to cancel the Democrats in the middle. More on that in a different article. Well, top Right-wing influencers decided to endorse him for Mayor of New York City. This was political suicide on Yang’s part. It all started with this tweet.

Yang seemed to have missed the part about why Israel was under attack. But that isn’t something we’re comfortable discussing. The GOPQ picked up on this and immediately started vocalizing their support for Yang. Stephen Miller (former top aide to Donald Trump), Ted Cruz (Senator for Texas), and Meghan McCain (talk show host) all tweeted their praises of Yang.

After these rousing endorsements, we probably would have quit right then and there. How embarrassing! But Yang kept going completely oblivious to the fact he had been publicly shamed and stood no chance of winning. He even made a horrific rap campaign video calling out his Yang Gang to respond to his cries of, “Yang for New York!” There is video footage of him running through the Puerto Rican parade doing a stupid dance with a derpy look on his face. Speaking of out of touch. Strike 3.

On Tuesday, June 22, 2021, Yang conceded the New York City Mayoral race. With tears in his eyes, he dropped the news to the Yang Gang, reminding everyone that he’s a numbers guy so he understood he had lost. We think anyone with Kindergarten math skills could see that one! Eric Adams, who we endorsed, pulled out ahead of ALL the other candidates with an incredible lead. Yang didn’t stand a chance. Even while running for office surrounded by people who love and support you it’s important to remember to stay grounded in reality. If Yang had really been paying attention to details, like a true mathematician, he would have known he was going to lose and prepared to do so gracefully. Instead, we got this:

This looks like the end of the road for Andrew Yang. There will never be a President Andrew Yang. Or a Mayor Andrew Yang. Definitely not a Governor Andrew Yang. Perhaps it’s time for Yang to find a new line of work? May we suggest a greeter at Walmart? Or bedpan cleaner? Or nursing home attendant? There are so many great options out there of things that he could actually do, and do well. Politics is not one of those jobs.

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