The Cult Forces Governor Cuomo to Resign

Democracy is dead. The Democratic cult overturned a legitimate election.

Today, August 10, 2021 Governor Cuomo resigned his position as Governor, effective in 2 weeks. His Lt. Governor, Kathy Hochul, will take over as the first female Governor of New York. Some rejoice as a female claims this role, while we weep. This is not a win. This is a travesty. Who cares about the gender of a politician? It shouldn’t matter. All we care about is their ability to do their job.

The Democrats did what the Republicans have been trying to do since Donald J. Trump lost the 2020 election, they successfully overturned a legitimate election. Andrew Cuomo was voted in by the people and POLITICIANS overturned the people’s decision. Polls even said the people favored Andrew Cuomo over any other candidate for Governor. How can they do this? It’s so wrong. The Democrats are treating the people like we are children who need to be told how to think. And OBEY.

Both parties are cults. Women don’t matter in this country. Well, some do. Little girls like Lindsey Boylan, who are wealthy and worship a political cult can buy whatever they want. You say, “Believe All Women”? Well, we are women, and we believe Cuomo is innocent. Not that the New York Assembly cares about what women have to say. We are small and chronically sick so they pushed us out of the way. This was wrong!!!

You cannot make up rules for just one person. You say the Democrats hold their own accountable? Then what about the 9 sexual harassment/assault allegations against Joseph R. Biden? And there’s evidence! You cannot run someone out of a job just because you don’t like them. The people voted him in so you need to shut up and figure out a way to work with him. Oh, you don’t like his style because your delicate egos are bruised? He doesn’t puke pink hearts all over the Mansion’s lawn? We don’t want your frilly crap shoved in our faces. Take off your rose-colored glasses and give us the type of politicians we want. We don’t want to vote for your garbage kumbaya delusions.

We are officially throwing our endorsement behind Lee Zeldin for the next Governor of New York. We know some of you Dems will be upset with us. But we are not Republicans or Democrats. You can’t control us. Our minds are free. We will believe whatever we want. We will vote for whomever we want. No one tells us who to vote for. We are Left of Center. Our votes can go either way. Convince us. Go ahead. Plead your case. We are not sheep. We are not followers. We are independent philosophers.

Zeldin is MAGA? Well, the Democratic candidates are BLUE MAGA, especially Letitia James. We will never bow to her will or her decisions. Who is she? This is controlling abusive behavior. Remember, abusers look nice and sweet to the public. Behind closed doors, they are wicked and dedicated to their evil ways. We are both survivors, we have great bullshit meters. We see through your facade. We see you for who you are. You are a fake and a fraud.

You framed Andrew Cuomo. You framed Al Franken. You framed Keith Ellison. You framed Johnny Depp. You framed Marilyn Manson. You framed John Thompson. You framed Alex Baldwin. You framed Kevin Spacey. You framed Bill Clinton. You framed Ryan Adams. This is a sham. There was never any investigation. You made up your mind before you even investigated the facts. This is a disgusting display of power. And that’s what it comes down to, who wants to be in power.

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